Last year, New York-based Indian musician Aakash Deep got in touch with us here at Khushi Feet and said that he shared our passion for wanting to help street children in Kolkata, India. He took action decided to put on a fundraising concert to raise money for Khushi Feet. The concert (which was called ‘ANTORER ANTORALEY’) was a huge success and raised $3602 (over £2000) for Khushi Feet to send out to the street schools we support in Kolkata.
Aakash even went out to visit Subir Roy (the founder of the GNCEM street schools) in Kolkata to give him the funds in person. In response to this visit, Aakash said: “I don’t know how to express my joy after seeing the work GNCEM are doing to support these children and helping society on Kolkata.”
This year, our amazing friends over in the States are putting on another concert to raise even more money for us to send out to help Kolkata’s street children and their schools. The concert, presented by Aakash Deep and Alo, is called ‘MONPANSHI’(মনপানসি) – ‘The Musical Paperboat’. The event will include musical performances from Aakash Deep (a signed vocalist of ‘Times Music India’), and dance performances from RDM (Rhythms of Dance & Music) students directed by Mitra Purkayastha. Aakash Deep and Alo describe the concert as a “small humble effort to be the change we wish to see in the world”.
Shrabani Nandi is organsing the event. She says, “It is a great philanthropic cause. We can help a street child’s education and enhance the quality of life of these kids. It’s one small step for us, but one great step for humanity.”
The ‘MONPANSHI’ concert will be taking place on Saturday 6 May 2017, from 5pm, at North Brunswick High School (98 Raider Rd, North Brunswick Township, New Jersey 08902). Tickets cost $15. For tickets, call (917) 683 7576.
You can also visit the event’s Facebook page.
It promises to be a great concert, so if you are local to the area, make sure you don’t miss out. Buy your tickets today! All proceeds go towards the education of street children in Kolkata.